Mister Kindness Podcast
Ordinary people with extraordinary stories. Who doesn't love a good story? Join Mister Kindness as he scours the planet looking for the best ones on a journey of conscious growth.
Mister Kindness Podcast
Nic "Rosie" Steevenson - On a Mission
Episode 121. Joining us from Devon in England is Nic "Rosie" Steevenson, who was a Royal Air Force fast jet navigator in an all-female crew. I had aspirations to be a fast jet pilot - clearly that didn't work out - so I have a lot of respect for anyone who did. You need to be a high performer to do that job so after retiring from the RAF, Rosie used her experience to lecture and teach in Human Performance. We cover her time in fast jets, how to stop your eardrums exploding, what it's like puking under extreme G-force and other humourous topics. Enjoy...
Find Rosie here https://weareonamission.co.uk/ and keep up to date on her LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/in/nic-rosie-steevenson/
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