Mister Kindness Podcast
Ordinary people with extraordinary stories. Who doesn't love a good story? Join Mister Kindness as he scours the planet looking for the best ones on a journey of conscious growth.
Mister Kindness Podcast
Michael Le Flem - Strange Tales and the Yuga Cycle
Episode 103. Joining us from Monterey, Mexico is returning guest, Prof. Michael Le Flem. Our last podcast, episode 71, about Atlantis was one of my all time favourites. He's come back to talk about ancient civilisations and the Yuga Cycle. Ever heard of it? A Yuga Cycle lasts 24,000 years and is made up of gold, silver, bronze and iron ages. Life on earth is paradise in the golden age and awful in the iron age. Unsurprisingly, we're slap bang in the middle of the lowest point of the iron age so it gets better from now on. Or does it? Enjoy...
Find Michael and his great book 'Visions of Altantis' at https://www.michaelleflem.com/
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