Episode 68. Joining us from southwest England is Matt Hill, former officer in the Parachute Regiment and now living an enviable life. Among many other things, he's a Systema martial arts trainer and also leads groups on expeditions in remote jungles around the world. We discuss his jungle trips, our love of nature on a primal level, breathwork and loads of cool things. Lost cities and buried treasure? Diamond-level chat. Enjoy...
Follow Matt's adventures on Insta https://www.instagram.com/matt_hill_systema/ and if you're interested in his jungle trips, etc., https://www.matthill.co.uk/
Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/misterkindness_pod
Subscribe on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg8snrvTqs8_AjgIq_sIsMg
Mis ter Kindness on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/njohn.kindness.9on
#systema #jungle #guatemala #lostcity #treasure #tiger #nature #india #breathwork #chimpempire #chimpanzee #para #martialarts #aikido #healing #ayahuasca #mushrooms
Episode 68. Joining us from southwest England is Matt Hill, former officer in the Parachute Regiment and now living an enviable life. Among many other things, he's a Systema martial arts trainer and also leads groups on expeditions in remote jungles around the world. We discuss his jungle trips, our love of nature on a primal level, breathwork and loads of cool things. Lost cities and buried treasure? Diamond-level chat. Enjoy...
Follow Matt's adventures on Insta https://www.instagram.com/matt_hill_systema/ and if you're interested in his jungle trips, etc., https://www.matthill.co.uk/
Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/misterkindness_pod
Subscribe on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg8snrvTqs8_AjgIq_sIsMg
Mis ter Kindness on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/njohn.kindness.9on
#systema #jungle #guatemala #lostcity #treasure #tiger #nature #india #breathwork #chimpempire #chimpanzee #para #martialarts #aikido #healing #ayahuasca #mushrooms