Episode 98. Joining us from Koh Samui, Thailand, is author and security specialist Darren Franklin. He's written 3 books about his experiences and they're all crazy. Darren used to travel the world rescuing kidnapped kids. Who knew that was even a job? He also used to run an immigration detention facility in Australia - a political hot potato. Cracking stories. The man's led a very interesting life. Enjoy...
Find Darren's books on Amazon https://www.amazon.de/stores/Darren-John-Franklin/author/B08L7HRJN6?language=en&ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
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#security #kidnap #immigration #bushtuckerman #misterkindnesspodcast #australia #kohsamui #NGO #illegalimmigrants #humanrightsgroup #hostage
Episode 98. Joining us from Koh Samui, Thailand, is author and security specialist Darren Franklin. He's written 3 books about his experiences and they're all crazy. Darren used to travel the world rescuing kidnapped kids. Who knew that was even a job? He also used to run an immigration detention facility in Australia - a political hot potato. Cracking stories. The man's led a very interesting life. Enjoy...
Find Darren's books on Amazon https://www.amazon.de/stores/Darren-John-Franklin/author/B08L7HRJN6?language=en&ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Mister Kindness now on Twitter/X https://twitter.com/MisterKindness
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#security #kidnap #immigration #bushtuckerman #misterkindnesspodcast #australia #kohsamui #NGO #illegalimmigrants #humanrightsgroup #hostage